- (405) 642-3224
- 352240 East 980 Road Sparks, OK 74869
Berger 30 Caliber 200 Grain 200.20x Target Bullets utilize Bergers industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. The 200.20x Target Bullet was developed with the assistance of the U.S Rifle Team (F-TR) and is the offical bullet for team use during the 2017 F-Class World Championships. $1.00 from every box purchased is donated by Berger Bullets to help support the team. The 200.20x Bullets are competition-proven and a favorite amongst today's top long-range competition shooters. Made with J4 Precision Jackets, the 200.20x like all other Berger Bullets, have exacting tolerance and near perfect construction.
Manufacturer | Berger Bullets |
UPC | 679459304177 |
SKU | 30417 |
Width | 3.5000 |
Length | 3.2500 |
Height | 2.5000 |
Weight | 3.0000 |
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